Practically everyone you talk to these days is sleep deprived. Sleep is a luxury that seems hard to come by.
However, you don’t have to walk around feeling sluggish and tired all of the time. So, check out these five tips for a better night’s sleep and get the rest you truly deserve.
Unplug from Technology
No matter what you think, there’s no good that comes from playing on your phone or computer right before bed. Time and time again there are studies that prove this fact. Your eyes and brain need a rest from the light and activity that comes from your devices. And yes, this also includes the television. We all love technology, but it’s hurting our health and sleep when we’re not careful. Experts say that shutting down at least an hour before bed will help your brain slow down and you get better sleep.
Read A Book
If you can’t have technology before bed, then why not read a good book. This is a great way to unwind after a hard day. Get lost in the story, and it’ll also help you manage any racing thoughts or stress. If you don’t like to read books, then grab a magazine or newspaper. Reading is a good way to avoid the bright light that comes from playing on your phone or anything else with a backlight.
Bigger Bed
For a better night’s sleep, you need a bigger bed. They’re more spacious and usually come with a more comfortable mattresses too. Super kingsize solid wood beds are the perfect size and style for anyone looking to upgrade. There are luxurious kingsize beds at Revival Beds to check out and compare options and pricing. A bigger bed is a great way to be able to stretch out and enjoy the benefits of extra space and added comfort.
Many times we can’t sleep because of racing thoughts. Our brains are still wired from the day, and we’re not able to concentrate enough to fall asleep. One proven technique to help quiet your brain is to meditate. It doesn’t have to be for a long time. Guided meditation simply walks you through a few exercises that help you calm your racing thoughts and fall asleep. Meditation is very useful for before bedtime and much better than counting sheep. You shouldn’t have any issues falling asleep when using it.
Dark & Cool Room
The room you’re sleeping in should be scanned over for possible hindrances, so don’t forget to check out your sleep environment and make any necessary adjustments. You want the room to be dark and cool when you’re sleeping. Therefore, if light is seeping in and you’re overheated, there won’t be much chance of you falling asleep or staying asleep for long. Quiet any extra noise or use white noise if you prefer. The goal is to minimize any unwanted disturbances so you can get the best night’s sleep possible.
Getting a good night’s sleep is something we all want, but don’t all get. It’s challenging, and that’s why there are best practices to help you fall and stay asleep. Use these tips for a better night’s sleep and enjoy how much better you feel the next day.