I have been a wearer and lover of hair extensions for about six years now (yes, I got my first set when I was twelve) and although I’ve never ventured past the ‘clip-in’ stage, I have tried out various different brands and colours. Although hair extensions are often used to give you volume, I think the fascination with hair extensions spiralled from my aspiration to have long hair – which unfortunately, has still not yet been fulfilled (it’s slowly getting there!). I’m honestly not exaggerated when I say I have gone through copious amounts of hair extensions, as I’ve either ruined them by using too much heat, wearing them for too long or changing my hair colour.
So I’m surprised that I have written a hair extension review until now, but I guess I was waiting until I found a brand that I REALLY loved, rather than just reviewing the extensions for the sake of it. Luckily, I recently discovered Foxy Locks – an independent hair extensions company run by the lovely Youtube V-logger Imogen. Although many girls I know are often hesitant to buy extensions online, I think Imogen really helps sway your decision (and secure your trust) by v-logging about how to fit the extensions, and style them to match your favourite celebs. She also (rather helpfully) provides a colour match service, so you can email her with a photograph of your hair and she will match you up. Imogen kindly emailed me back after I sent her a photograph of my hair colour, and she advised that I tried the ‘Caramel Blonde’ colour, as it matched my highlighted browny/blonde mix hair.
Needless to say, when the extensions arrived – they matched perfectly, which I was quite surprised about. Usually, I have a lot of difficulty finding hair extensions that match the various tones and shades I have in my hair – so I was pleasantly surprised. The very first thing I noticed when they popped through my post-box and I tore open the package in excitement was in fact how thick and heavy they were. I chose the Caramel Blonde 20 Inch Deluxe extensions, and I honestly (still) couldn’t believe how much hair you actually get. With other extension brands, you have to spend at least £100 on different wefts in order to get the right thickness – so that it looks as natural as possible. However, Foxy Locks provide you with so many wefts that you are sure to be able to get the most natural and glamorous look possible. I cannot reiterate how much you get for £74, it is such fantastic value for money in comparison with other brands.
The amount of wefts you receive does look a little daunting at first, as my initial reaction was ‘is my head big enough to fit all these wefts’ however I soon realised that I probably didn’t need to use all the wefts in one go, and could mix and match dependent on the look I wanted to go for. I followed Imogen’s video – here, regarding how you fit the extensions and then I straightened both my own hair and the extensions so that they flowed into one another (if that makes any sense). The clips on the wefts are far easier to fasten and un-clip, and they don’t tug on your natural hair as much as others do. This is really useful if you are planning to wear them all day as it eliminates the urge to rip them off your head if/when they start to pull.
I was thinking about doing a step-by-step photo guide to show you how I put them in, but to be honest – I found that following Imogen’s video was far more helpful (and will probably be for you too). I have worn the extensions a couple of times since I received them several weeks ago, but I’m sure they are going to get lots of use this week as I have several events to attend and although I shan’t be competing with the likes of Amy Childs (I hope I meet her), I shall definitely be flaunting my Foxy Locks extensions. I have an event Wednesday (Pia Michi Launch – with the TOWIE girls, Nicola McLean, Michelle Heaton and others), a fashion show at Chinawhites and the lovely Nixalina’s (Sex & London City Blog) LFW Launch party at Kensington Roof Gardens! I will keep my eye out for all those celebs! Check my blog next week for updates and event reports!
I have posted a photograph below of my last experiment with my Foxy Locks extensions. All I did to achieve such a look was gently curl both my hair and the extensions with my GHD wide straighteners, and then I enabled them to drop slightly – before using a little hair spray. I don’t tend to use hair spray very often, as it makes my hair quite solid and greasy looking, but I used a tiny bit just to hold the curls in place. I absolutely love the Foxy Locks extensions, not only due to their thickness but also because they are such fantastic quality extensions – and I can definitely see myself purchasing from them again in the near future. As I’ve previously said, I’m obsessed with hair extensions – and if you are too and haven’t tried Foxy Locks, then I would definitely recommend you give them a go. I’m no hair extension expert but I definitely have had plenty of experience with different brands and I can honestly say – these are the best by far!

Extra details
If you are thinking of buying a set of hair extensions but are still unsure about whether Foxy Locks is right for you, then by all means email Imogen – she is very helpful, and puts all newbie hair extension lovers at ease.
The Foxy Locks deluxe extensions pack (which I have) come with two wefts with four clips, two wefts with three clips, two wefts with two clips and four wefts with one clips (for the side of your hair and to add volume in more specific places). To read more about my extensions click here.
I hope I haven’t waffled on too much! Let me know what you think! x