Okay so I’m not usually one for hyped up products. I tend to take a step back when everyone is raving about something – why, I’m not sure. So I suppose this is the reason I’ve never previously tried Glam Glow. Because everyone seems to love them and my cynical nature has held me back from trying them out. But I regret this a lot, because without sounding too cliche – I’ve been missing a skincare trick.
Originally formulated to help celebrities, actors and models achieve camera ready skin, Glam Glow was only made available for retail in 2011 – and has since taken the world by storm. In the UK, they’re based out of the Estee Lauder Companies office – which is telling of their prestige and price point, even if their packaging looks a little novelty at first (although I’m a total sucker for it personally).
A large portion of their range is their mask collection, offering treatments for a variety of skin concerns. Most of their masks contain a mix of natural ingredients (volcanic clay, eucalyptus) and Glycolic acid or Salicylic Acid – so they’re pretty powerful products!
Anyway, so I’m sure you’re dying to know… do they actually work?
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Well, yes actually! They are possibly the most effective mask treatments I’ve ever used and as of January 2nd, I’m officially addicted. I was a little wary of using the masks on my sensitive and dry skin (since nothing seems to cater for it and I felt I was setting myself up for a failure) however upon first application, I noticed a drastic difference. And that’s rare for me.
Lets start with the GlamGlow SuperMud Clearing Treatment, which is probably the most raved about and rightly so. It’s a skin clearing treatment and claims to extract all the bad stuff from your pores and leave your skin feeling super silky soft, clean and free from impurities. Lots of products claim to do this. Many don’t live up to their claims. However this stuff, is amazing! It’s essentially magic mud!
You apply a thin layer to your skin (evening is best) stick on an episode of Sex & The City, grab a cup of tea and wait 20 minutes for it to get to work. It did tingle at first, which worried me as usually this means it’s going to irritate my skin and I’m going to be left looking like I’m impersonating a beetroot. Luckily this didn’t happen. The mask applies as a dark grey but soon dries to a very light grey/green colour – before then creating black dots around your pores, oily areas and spots. This in itself is pretty cool as you feel like you can actively see it getting to work. A hard working product is what I like to see – especially for £39!
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Anyway, once you’ve spent enough time in the mirror trying to move your eyebrows and failing. Or once you’ve had enough of taking hilarious selfies of yourself, you then wash it off with a flannel and warm water. If you’ve got sensitive skin, be sure not to scrub harshly – as the mud does come off pretty easily with a few swipes.
Then, you’re introduced to your new fresh skin underneath – which looks and feels visibly much softer and cleaner. It felt like a weight had been lifted and I noticed that lots of the blackheads (about to get gory here – apologies) no longer had the white dirt inside, but were clean and clear!
It wasn’t particularly drying on my skin, which surprised me – but if you do suffer with dryness like me, you simply pop the hydrating treatment on overnight (or for 20 mins) for a boost of moisture. It sounds like it’s too good to be true, but it’s totally not!
[pipdig_banner image=”https://scarlettlondon.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/GlamGlow-347634.jpg”]
The other masks in the range are also brilliant in their own way, however they haven’t quite had the dramatic effect that the Hydrating and Supermud masks have – so I tend to use them intermittently whenever I feel I need a boost. There’s the Orange mask for brightening (great before an event for extra glow underneath your foundation), the Green for your dual-cleanse (amazing for getting rid of excess oil) the Black, which is a tingle exfoliant and really buffs gently away at any dead skin.
And finally, there’s the Purple which is a firming treatment that peels off (possibly my favourite invention is peel away face masks – there’s a huge amount of satisfaction from this, akin to PVA glue as a kid) and admittedly, I often just use this for the peel factor, but I know lots of people rave about it being great for firming your skin and reducing the appearance of lines.
Recently Glam Glow have brought out their Sexy Lips range, which expands upon their original collection to provide super soft, dry-skin-free lips! The collection consists of 4 products, each of which I’ve had the pleasure of trying out myself – and they each contribute to making sure you’ve got the perfect base to do whatever you choose with or go eau naturel!
First up is the POUTMUD Fizzy Lip Exfoliating treatment, which when massaged onto your lips with water, gently fizzes to remove dry skin and activate renewal. Chapped lips are banished! Next you pop on the WET lip balm treatment which softly hydrates and restores the skin on your lips. And best of all, it doesn’t contain the kind of ingredients that actually dry your lips out further (did you know, many products actually do this – as a means of getting you to continue using their formula) – so really, it wins all round!
Then Glam Glow have created two fabulous lip primers, which I’ve found to be invaluable in terms of increasing the staying power of my favourite lipsticks or acting as a standalone. As odd as it sounds, I quite like the colour of my lips naturally (kind of a dark pink purple), so sometimes I want to embrace that but look a little more ‘finished’. These two primer options solve all of my woes, providing either a matte or gloss finish, depending on your preference.
So there you have it, I don’t usually write such in depth reviews on individual brands or products, but in this case – I was so impressed by Glam Glow that I felt the need to rave about it myself in a way that no inclusion in a round up feature could offer.
I really struggle with my skin (to the point I’ve often taken off my make-up 3 times and reapplied in a morning because my skin troubles me so much and looks rubbish under foundation), so to find something that really and truly works for me is pretty important. In fact I’d go as far to say that it’s life changing. Because when you have a great skin day, you leave the house with a fresh beam of confidence. And if you can have that everyday, then that’s even more of a bonus!
For more information on any of the above products, head to the Glam Glow website, which is just as pretty as its packaging!
The products were PR samples however this is not a paid advertorial.