Following last year’s highlights post (read here), which was really well received, I have decided to round up yet another year in a blog post. 2012 for all of its faults, has been another learning curve for me, as I have met some amazing people, attended some fantastic events, my blog has presented itself with some once in a lifetime opportunities and I have achieved several things I never thought I could. It’s very easy to look at the negative aspects each year has brought, so I always think it’s a nice idea to do a round up of the positive aspects, and highlighting what you’ve achieved. I’ll try not to make this post boring and waffle-y, but I hope you enjoy the round up of my year, and I just want to thank each and every one of you who has read my blog this year, as you have all contributed in making my year fantastic!
Getting my A-Level Grades
When I started my A Level courses back in 2010, I was set target grades of AAB, which after a few weeks of doing each course, I struck off as impossible. I found the step up from GCSE to A Level extremely difficult, and I was worrying how on earth I was going to achieve a C, let alone an A in English Literature, Media Studies and Philosophy & Ethics. However, two years of hard work and a few weeks of worrying through exams, I picked up my results in August and was pleased to see, sure enough, two A’s and a B staring back at me from my results. Bournemouth University, my top choice, had accepted me for a place to study Multimedia Journalism as a result of my grades, and so with a gap year ahead of me – I was pleased to have a secure place ready for me in 2013.
Developing my blog
Although I’ve waffled away in lots of posts about what fantastic opportunities my blog has been lucky enough to be granted, I would be lying if I didn’t include just a few of those opportunities in my year highlights round up, as my blog is a huge part of my life and I absolutely love doing it. Aside from having a wonderful team of writers join Scarlett London, the blog has also been shortlisted for a Cosmo Award (read the blog post about the party here), has been invited to report live from the catwalk at Essex Fashion Week (read post here), and has attended several amazing and completely out of this world showbiz events, which previously I’ve only dreamed of going to (read here, here and here). I can’t wait to see what 2013 holds for Scarlett London, and hopefully you’ll be a part in developing the blog further – as I have some great ideas which I can’t wait to share with you soon!
Family Trip To Florida
As I now have a full-time position in PR, I have been kept very busy maintaining my blog on the side, as well as attending events and setting up my own small PR/Celebrity Management firm. This has meant that I haven’t seen my family as much as I would have liked to, however a real highlight was when I went on a two week family trip to Florida, where I was able to visit The Wizarding World Of Harry Potter, something I had wanted to do for absolutely ages (read post here). Before this trip, I had never been to the US before, so it was a great experience, filled with lots of activities (Florida has a lot to offer family wise) and lots of salads (they don’t have much in the way of ‘vegetarian options’).
Reaching 100,000 Readers
When I first started my blog in 2011, I never once imagined that anyone would read my blog at all, so to have reached 100,000 unique readers this year was an absolutely amazing, and unbelievable achievement. I know there are hundreds, thousands, if not millions of fantastic bloggers out there, and so it is very difficult to make a name for yourself in an already densely populated community, however I’m very pleased that 2012 has brought so many readers to Scarlett London, and I really hope this just continues in the new year, as I have lots planned, so please keep tuned!
Work Experience
This year, I have not only been lucky enough to gain work experience in journalism, by assisting beauty editor Sue Moxley in her writing, but I also managed to secure a six month placement in travel PR, as well as a two week internship at renowned Celebrity Management company – CAN Associates (who manage Peter Andre, Amy Childs, Gemma Collins, amoung many other celebrities). Not only did I have a really enjoyable fortnight at the offices, but I learnt more than I could imagine about the fast paced world of PR and how the showbiz industry works. I know how difficult it is to secure such a placement, especially with such a great company, so I am really grateful for the opportunity!
Leaving School & Heading Out Into The World Of Work
Although I do miss school (strangely enough), as it felt quite routine and safe whilst there, it has been a highlight for me to have finally left and to head out into the world of work. It’s really nice to feel independent, to earn my own money and to think about the future (although this is also quite scary too). I am still hoping to work in journalism, however that may be, but I’m really enjoying working in PR and I know those two are very closely linked, so hopefully it will be of use. I am hoping my blog will stand as an online showcase of my writing, and that I can continue it throughout my gap year and when I start university next Autumn.
Celebrating Three Years Together
I don’t really mention much about my private life on my blog (well, I do but I try and incorporate it into the blog so that it’s relevant, rather than bleeting on about it all the time), so I was a little hesitant whether to include this as one of my highlights. In 2012, I celebrated my boyfriend and I’s 3-year anniversary together, which was lovely. We went to Cyprus a few weeks before our anniversary to celebrate and although it will be hard next year going off to different universities, I hope things continue in a positive direction!
So, that’s 2012 in a very small nutshell. Overall, it’s been a great year – and I’m very happy the world didn’t end on the 21st, so that we are able to continue on into the new year! I hope you have all had a fantastic year too, and that you celebrated a great festive season! I never normally blog over the holidays, to give myself a little break – but it’s great to be back blogging again! Have a fantastic NYE, and I will see you in 2013!