I love a good bargain. Don’t we all? There’s a feeling of satisfaction when you have managed to get £5 knocked off a bag or 10% off on a dress. Or even finding a hidden gem in a sale. It’s a feeling like no other. But recent studies have shown that what we often consider to be a ‘bargain’ is actually rather sinisterly, not. In fact, when you see an offer on in a supermarket (ie: 2 for 1) it isn’t the retailer trying to be nice in giving us a good deal (unfortunately), but merely to get rid of unwanted stock that may be soon going out of date. On one occasion, it wasn’t until I got home that I realized I had bought five Quorn meals that needed to be eaten by the next day. Excellent.
Similarly, in places like Poundworld and the 99p store, where some bargain hunters go mad – the price of certain items is actually higher than in regular supermarkets. They are able to do this because they sell smaller quantities, for £1 – whereas in Tesco’s for example, a larger quantity may be sold for 70p. It’s worth checking the label for the volume, as I have made this mistake before!
So, whilst some of us may think we’re secret bargain hunters – unfortunately some of our bargains, aren’t actually, well – bargains at all.
So, in aid of this Ladbrokes Games recently created this rather humorous infographic, which I absolutely love. Unfortunately, I got each and every one of the questions wrong (shows how much of a good deal I can spot) but it certainly shows that a book (or a product) in this case, can’t be judged by its cover (or price).