I don’t know about you but I absolutely LOVE squash. Apple and blackcurrant, and summer fruits are probably my all time favourites, but one of my very guilty (and odd) pleasures is a visit to the squash isle for something new. Yes, as I said – odd. So when I heard that the master of all things squash were bringing out handbag sized editions, which could be carried around with you (inconspicuously – as even the smallest of bottles would look a little odd sticking out of your Mulberry) I put my hand up first to try it out.
Hitting the market this month, SQUASH’D comes in a whole host of flavours ready to whip out, spritz into a glass or bottle of unknowing, plain water – and ta dah, a tasty drink awaits. With no added sugar, it’s perfect for those who are detoxing for summer and promising to drink the required 8 glasses a day, but need something to satisfy their sweet tooth without all the calories. And at £2, which matches the average price of a bottle of squash – it’s very affordable (and necessary) piece of kit.
And behold, if you’re worried about the squash not dispersing equally (because there’s nothing worse than a strong top squash layer and a weak bottom), the power of the initial spritz is enough to reassure you, as attempted to demonstrate by my photography.
If you have children, it’s ideal for jazzing up a bottle of plain water – which lets face it, isn’t appealing to any child under the age of 10 – so if you’re stuck with water, water and water for choice in a remote cafe somewhere exotic (lucky you) – you needn’t fear.
SQUASH’D is available in all good supermarkets and priced at £2 for a 66ml serving, which mixes approximately 20 drinks (however if you use sparingly, this is more like 35). Make sure you try the Orange & Peach flavour, it’s absolutely delicious!