The interesting thing about Google Analytics is that you can view what keywords readers type into Google in order to find your website. Of course, its important to see how many page-views you have and how long each reader stays on each page, but I do have a good old laugh at some of the keywords used to find my blog! Anyway, after taking a hard long look at my keywords page – I discovered that a large number of people had viewed my ‘how to get long, healthy hair fast’ blog post, which I wrote during the very early days of my blog. Admittedly, its not the most well written of posts nor is it the most informative, plus its rather out of date – so I thought I’d dedicate another post to the topic of ‘growing hair’ as it seems to be popular amongst readers, and I regularly see people tweet about the (really) slow process of adding length to your hair.
If you know me well, or read my blog regularly you will know that I am a teeny bit obsessed with the rate in which the hair on my head is growing. I’m not entirely sure what underlying factor started this obsession, nor am I sure when the obsession will end – but I am sure I’m not alone, as it seems that anyone and everyone has the desire to have long, luscious locks. After announcing to various hairdressers about my NEED for long hair, they all advised that I refrain from straightening it/using heat on it and that I get my hair ‘trimmed’ every six to eight weeks. Heard this before? Okay, well for the first few years – I tried this, I really did! But it seemed as though my hair couldn’t keep up with the rate it was being chopped off again and before long, I was left with far shorter hair than I initially wanted or started with.
So, last January I went on a hair cut strike – yes, you heard me right A HAIR CUT STRIKE. No hair cuts, none, ever again! I wanted long hair, no I NEEDED long hair! I was sick of having to buy extensions, and straightening my hair in order to make it look longer and then in turn – splitting the hair even more. I’m sure, if you’ve ever been in such a dilemma, you will understand this vicious circle! So, I promised myself that I would no longer get my hair cut and instead would find hair products that would somewhat fix these split ends. I also tried to use as little heat on my hair as possible, with the exception of a hairdryer (as I hate leaving the house with wet hair). It was easier to get used to than you think, and I slowly slotted into a routine of no hair cuts and no heat.
The ‘well known fact’ that cutting your hair regularly makes it grow faster is a complete myth. It has been misunderstood by people to mean that by having your hair cut on a regular basis, your hair will grow at a much faster rate. It does however, make the hair more blunt on the ends – meaning the overall cut looks much sharper and sleeker (and maybe if you have naturally straight hair, longer). It does not make your hair grow! At the end of the day, I’m sure the hairdressers are just being helpful, but they are also making money out of your hair cut – so if you are really committed to growing your hair, have it cut as little as possible and if you don’t trust a ‘scissor happy’ hairdresser – trim the ends gently yourself. Admittedly, this means that my hair isn’t ALL one length – but as I have naturally curly/wavy hair this doesn’t really matter.
So, a year (and a bit) later and here I am with much longer and thicker hair. I thought I’d include a ‘before’ and ‘after’ photo for you, in order to justify that my hair has actually grown a significant amount and I’m not just dictating what you should and shouldn’t do! It isn’t quite the length I want it yet, but hopefully it should grow again at the same rate this year and before long it should overtake my extensions! It has got to the length where I don’t feel the need to straighten it, as its much heavier than before so my once tight curls have now dropped into slight waves.
The specific products I used in order to achieve this (as well as not cutting it) are listed/photographed below. Obviously the products will not have exactly the same effect on everyone, as I’m sure every individual has a different hair type – however, as the products are fairly cheap and can be purchased easily it might be worth giving them a go if you are really dedicated to growing your hair. When you are not cutting your hair, it is important to make sure you are conditioning it regularly and treating it well! However, whilst on my yearly strike of hair cutting – I have still been having full sets of blonde highlights (3 times a year), so even if you are coloring your hair – this process can still work.
So, there you go! After a long and rambling post, you have my ‘winning’ formula in hair growing! I know I don’t have locks to match Rapunzel’s yet, but I’m getting there – and doing it a healthy way. I don’t discourage hair extensions, as I wear clip in’s occasionally myself however if you are having glue in extensions, this will indefinitely affect the rate at which your hair grows, so its probably best to have a year off. If you do decide to go along my hair cut strike idea, then please let me know – as I’d love to hear your thoughts, individual ‘hair raising’ experiences or tips on how to make your hair grow! If you disagree, again I’d love to hear your thoughts!
From left to right: Aussie 3 minute miracle reconstructer for damaged hair (a deep conditioner that you leave on for three minutes, can usually be purchased for about £4.99 and it lasts around a month), Aussie Miracle Hair Insurance leave-in conditioner spray (if you are going to straighten/blow dry your hair – spritz this on before doing so. Can be purchased for £3.99 from Boots), Aussie Miracle Moist Shampoo (moisturises your hair and gives it a boost when it feels very dry!)
Please note: I am not advising that everyone should take a ‘hair cut’ strike, as there are many girls who love having short hair or are more than happy with the rate in which their hair is growing (and would perhaps like it to slow down as it would save them a fortune in haircuts) however, if you are looking for a long hair fix, then feel free to give my experiment a go. It might be hard getting used to at first, but its worth it when people comment and compliment you on your new long, luscious locks!