Everyone in the world wants to visit London at least once in their lifetime but many just can’t gather the finances to make that happen. Big cities, especially capital cities, can be extremely expensive to stay in. Accommodations are usually at a premium as there are just so many to go around, so visitors begin looking outside the main thoroughfare. If you are visiting London on a budget, you might try some of the surrounding areas well within the Greater London Urban Area to use as your ‘home base’ in order to make the trip affordable.
Major Hotels Outside the City
Quite often you will find that rates are somewhat cheaper outside the city. For those who have been saving for a luxury holiday but can’t afford the higher rates within town, you might want to try locations such as Hemel Hempstead that are within just a half-hour journey to the centre of London. Many of the finer hotels can be found here and rates may be a bit lower but with all the same amenities. To see what is available and if any reservations are open for your planned arrival date, click here.
Transportation within the Greater London Area
One of the things which many visitors love about London is the availability of transport. Not only can you hire an auto if that is within your budgetary means but the trains and buses run regularly and are rarely delayed. Any time of the year you can hop on public transport that runs at least half-hourly and be in the downtown area within minutes. For example, the Green Line Bus schedule from Hemel Hempstead to London will get you there within the hour and trains on that line are even faster, of course as there are fewer stops. It’s a great way to see London and at prices that really are affordable.
Affordable Activities
If you are coming a long way to visit London you will certainly want to see some shows in town or visit some of the main attractions such as Madame Tussauds. Of course it is possible to take a bus to Buckingham Palace to view the Changing of the Guard and the only cost there is the cost of the bus ride, but a sight that is well worth your time and that small cost. This is, without a doubt something to see based on a history centuries old. Actually, there are so many historic locations throughout the city that cost nothing to see that you will find much to do whilst able to save money to spend on evening events.
Believe it or not, it really is possible to visit London on a budget. From less expensive accommodations outside the downtown area to free attractions to see during daytime hours, you will have more left over to actually get in a bit of shopping at world-famous markets and see some of the shows you’ll only find in major cities like London, New York and Paris. Just make sure to book early and have a well-planned itinerary. Get the most in for the least amount of expense.