At a time where most of us are having to cut back on life’s luxuries, recent Channel 4 show ‘Sex, Lies & Rinsing Guys’ has angered some viewers, where three professional ‘rinsers’ are shown to use social networking sites to find men to fund their glamorous lives and designer shopping trips. Although I was initially a little taken aback by this unfamiliar way of life, I was more so intrigued that these men were buying these women gifts, yet not expecting anything in return. In addition, I also wondered whether these women could fit into a ‘normal’ relationship yet continue ‘rinsing’ men.
‘The guys’ wallets stay open, but the girls’ legs stay firmly closed’.
I decided to contact Danica, a lingerie model who appeared in the show and ask for her stance on the representation of ‘rinsing’ and whether she would recommend other young girls to follow in her footsteps. Danica, who lives in Berkshire uses Twitter to contact her online fans and maintains an Amazon Wish List, whereby male (or female it seems) fans can buy her gifts ranging from nail glue to £1,700 dresses. Featured amongst the gifts she has been bought already are an Apple MacBook Pro and designer dresses worth up to £20,000. Unlike the other ‘rinsers’ she sticks to the rule of not meeting the generous men that fund her extravagant designer lifestyle, however in the past she has still felt a little worried and endangered by the contact she has with these men.
I recently watched Sex, Lies and Rinsing Guys and was fascinated by the glamorous lifestyle that you lead! Were you happy with the way you were represented on the show?
When I first agreed to doing the show it was going to be called ‘Girls On Top’. It was changed at the last minute to entice more viewers. I was a little upset by this as obviously it is a very misleading title and also untrue, as there is no sex and no lies. I was happy by the way I came across in the show as it was a true reflection of myself. However, people do not realise that this is the smallest part of my career as I also do modelling and TV work.
I have thought twice about it at certain points!
Although the gifting/no meeting process seems idealistic, have you ever had any fear/problems that have led to you re-considering speaking to guys over the internet/having them buy you gifts?
Yes, most certainly. It is dangerous and can be slightly worrying at times. I have thought twice about it at certain points. However, (I believe) if you never lie or misconceive in any way you will be fine.
Is the idea behind having a wish list online a relatively new one, or has it simply remained unknown until the show was aired?
It’s a relatively new idea. The idea was almost put in front of me when my fans kept asking if they could buy me a gift. I thought what could I do that would be safe, easy and effective? That’s how the idea of the Amazon Wishlist came to play!
Has appearing on the show had a positive or negative impact on men gifting you items?
It’s certainly had a positive impact as now people are more aware of it. I have had my fair share of negative comments which I completely expected and of course, everyone’s entitled to their own opinions!
Have you/had you met the other ‘rinsers’ on the Channel 4 show?
No I have never met any of the girls on the show. ‘Rinsers’ is a word that I have never come across before. However, viewers may forget or not realise that there are millions of girls across the world that in effect do the same thing as I do.
Have you ever had any really negative reactions by members of the public that have made you re-consider what you do?
Yes I have had some extremely negative comments that initially really upset me. Now I just don’t read them!
The other girls on the show follow a different style of ‘rinsing’ – by meeting them in person. Not only does this put them in quite a substantial amount of danger, but also ‘leads’ the men on a little. Do you agree with what they are doing?
I do not wish to comment on the other girls. I believe they should do what they want to do however I have my own personal rules.
You must come into contact with some very generous guys some of whom you may get along with really well, have you ever considered a relationship with any of them?
No, not at all.
Do you think you would be able to settle into a normal relationship or do you think men buying you gifts would be off putting for potential boyfriends?
I absolutely do think I could have normal relationships, just as everyone else does.
I have received a mixed response from male fans after the show!
What feedback have you had from family/friends/the twitter community about receiving gifts from guys?
From family and friends all feedback had been positive! However, from the twitter community the feedback has been pretty mixed. I have received a lot of positive feedback from girl fans, which initially really surprised me. And a mixed response from male fans.
Would you advise other girls to do what you do?
No I would never advise other girls to do it. They should make their own choices just as I did mine.
On the show, we saw you launch your new business venture. Has the site developed in the way you expected since the launch?
It’s done a lot better than ever imagined. It was a small idea that’s established into something beyond my dreams.
You expressed an interest in becoming a presenter whilst on the show, do you still have aspirations to get into presenting?
I most certainly do! I don’t have any plans in the pipeline as of yet but I do hope to get into acting and presenting.
Although Danica isn’t alone in her ventures and as she rightly explained, there are hundreds of girls around the world who do similar things, the process of receiving gifts from strangers does seem a little strange to some. Personally, I have nothing against the idea itself, I just worry for the girls that meet strangers over the internet who may say they are someone they are not. Social networking sites such as Twitter give businesses (and women) platforms they could have never had otherwise, however I can’t help but think that receiving gifts and expecting nothing in return is a little too idealistic. Can things in life, really be free?
Danica’s Twitter page can be accessed here, and her website can be viewed here.