I feel like I haven’t posted on my blog for ages – so I’m really sorry to all my readers who have been disappointed when logging on. It’s been a really busy week and a half, and the rest of the summer looks busy for me – so bare with me!
Whenever I talk to journalists about how to go about ‘getting my foot in the door’, they always reply with the same answer – experience, experience, experience. Whether it’s broadcast, print or online journalism – experience is invaluable to your future career – as it can help you make contacts, broaden your knowledge of the industry and most importantly help you to confirm your interest and passion. So, over the past year, I set about organising myself some work experience for this summer – in the hope that it would set me aside from other university applicants. I managed to secure three different placements (and although I won’t specify where) I will say that one placement was local, one is a very established television production company and the other is a very well-known pre-production house. I was very pleased to get the work experience I did, as you often find that most places either don’t offer work experience at all – or that places are very hard to come by.
Luckily, I managed to secure the three placements and out of the two that I have undertaken so far – I have enjoyed every minute. It definitely hasn’t put me off working in the industry, if anything it’s made me even more determined to get my name out there and get started! If you (like me) are hoping to break into the industry, then my only advice would be to email as many places as possible (with an as UN generic email as possible) – give examples of why you want to work in the industry and what you’ve done to prove it. People love enthusiastic, passionate and determined students – so make sure that is how you come across.
– With regards to my ‘what I wore’ posts, I’m having trouble uploading photographs onto my blog at the moment. I’m not sure if it’s an ongoing problem or just a minor technical difficulty – however they will be back up as soon as possible!